Thursday, December 2, 2010



in the movie SILKWOOD, Karen Silkwood a worker at a plutonium processing plant discovers that the employees are forced to work in unsafe conditions in her battle to expose this and do something about it she is shunned, tortured, infected, and eventually killed in order to keep this unsavory information quiet.

my thoughts on this movie were that it is wrong to have to work with unsafe materials with unsafe conditions, it should be a crime if it is not already.

Hitchiti Experiment Forest lab

 Hitchiti Experiment Forest lab
From Google dictionary: Wild Ginger - low-growing perennial herb with pungent gingery leaves and rhizomes.
Leaf Litter Decomposition

"Leaf Litter Decomposition is a process in which leaves are broken down by insect and microbial decomposers to the point where they release their vital nutrients into the ecosystem." Paraphrased from a website.

 Southern Pine Beetle

 Southern Pine Beetle
Impact of the pine beetle

My favorite aquatic critters

Aquatic critters

A group of phytoplankton

Copepod Candacia
"Copepods are tiny crustaceans, belonging to the same group as crabs and lobsters. They are the most abundant multicellular animals in the sea and collectively may outnumber all other animals in the world. Many move with a characteristic 'hop' through the water and form an important part of the diet of many reef fish." a quote form a website.

Aquatic macrophyte
Bull Shoals Macrophytes:  (eelgrass, Canadian elodea, pondweed, coontail)
"A streamlined torpedo shape helps flying fish generate enough speed to break the water’s surface, and large, wing-like pectoral fins help get them airborne."  a quote form a website.

"Scientists have named the new crustacean "Kiwa irsuta."                                                                                              A team of American-led divers has discovered a new crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky, blond fur, French researchers said Tuesday." a quote form a website.

Water vole Arvicola terrestris Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire